There are many businesses with fleets of vehicles at the core of their business model, like taxi companies, truck rental services, and pickup/delivery services, just to name a few. Any fleet manager should have a good understanding of what fleet telematics is and how it can benefit their business.
The term telematics evolved from combining the words telecommunications (the exchange of information across distance) and informatics (the science of processing data). A more direct definition of telematics is a data collecting system that provides guidance and actionable insights straight from your machine.
A fleet telematics solution can provide information on vehicle:
The wealth of data provided by fleet telematics tracking can support immediate and ongoing optimization of operations. This is a great benefit to managers seeking new ways to drive costs down. Incidentally, this level of fleet optimization also tends to reduce the organization’s carbon footprint, providing a unique competitive advantage for companies that are considering a more socially-conscious brand image.
Fleet telematics is a nuanced science; there’s no such thing as a one-size-fits-all telematics solution. Fleet managers should learn about the different solutions and have a sense of which features would be most useful to them.
Fleet Telematics is separated into 4 levels. Each solves specific problems depending on the different use cases. EnSight Plus is a fully customizable field service software and can be tailored to suit the specific needs of your enterprise.